• 2009
    Entered into operation
  • 29 MW
    Installed capacity
  • 136.5、妇女
    Annual production

The power plant has a total head of 59.77m and the powerhouse is equipped with two Francis turbines, which receive water through a 1,533m long tunnel of 5.直径5米.

The facility is comprised of two dams and two separated reservoirs are therefore connected by one derivation tunnel. 第一座大坝, called derivation dam, is a 25m high and 107m long earth gravity dam with segment gates. 第二座大坝, called generation dam, is a 25m high and 55m long concrete RCC dam with free spillway.


Francisco Gros hydropower plant
Francisco Gros hydropower plant. (Photo: 十大最好的网赌平台)
公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 81.31%
FUNCEF 18.69%

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